Repairers of the Breach
Rev. William Barber’s organization that seeks to education and inspire people to work toward social justice based on cross-cultural moral values.
VIEW THE SITERev. William Barber’s organization that seeks to education and inspire people to work toward social justice based on cross-cultural moral values.
VIEW THE SITECatalyst Project helps to build powerful multiracial movements that can win collective liberation.
VIEW THE SITESURJ Is A National Network Of Groups And Individuals Organizing White People For Racial Justice.
VIEW THE SITEA group of white people working to undo institutional racism and white privilege through education and organizing in white communities.
VIEW THE SITEGreat resource for White people who want to move from being an actor to an accomplice in the pursuit of social justice for people of color.
VIEW THE SITEInformative frequently asked questions about a project providing cultural education for those committed to being less racist.
VIEW THE SITEAn academically oriented exploration about the formation of a white race from antiquity to the present.